Train in an industrial career for free...

Train for an Electrical/Solar career for free…

Train for a Digital career for free…

Hire hands-on trained green hands and electrician helpers from underserved communities in Beaumont & Port Arthur & Orange


  • We fully train those 18+ years old in the underserved, English speaking communities, including single parents, aged out foster kids and those on unemployment.
  • Our Industrial Graduates come NCCER Core, OSHA10 (upon selection), with Motorized Vehicles and Life Skills Training
  • Our Electrical Graduates come NABCEP PV, NCCER Core, OSHA10 (upon selection) Certified with Life Skills Training.
  • You save over $12,500 per new hire
  • Meet your Abatement Commitments by hiring local labor
  • Keep your HR dollars and reduce your risk- we do the vetting for you!


Phase 1 (2 weeks In Class Training)

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

  • Basic Construction Math

  • Life Skills

Phase 2 Industrial (8 weeks Hands-On Training)

  • OSHA10 (certified upon selection)

  • NCCER Core (certified)

  • Intro to Pipe Fitting

  • Intro to Carpentry

  • Intro to Basic Rigging

  • Intro to Valves
  • Intro to Scaffolding

  • Hand&Power Tools

  • Motorized Equipment Training

  • And much, much more…

Phase 2 Electrical/Solar (8 weeks Hands-On Training)

  • OSHA10 (certified upon selection)

  • NCCER Core (certified)


  • Intro to Electrical

  • Electrical Circuits

  • Intro to Photovoltaics

  • And much, much more…


Employers are able to leverage the training provided by GTEC. Once trainees complete their classroom training, they are referred to a Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program. Employers can register with Department of Labor (DOL) as a On the Job Training (OJT) provider of trainees hired from GTEC.

Employer can request reimbursement of 50% of the salary for 400 hours if hiree is in a registered apprenticeship. Employer will provide the job requirements to RA to vet and refer apprentice to employer for hire. RA will work with Employer to develop a work process plan prior to apprentice start date.

Employers do not have to guarantee the full 2000 hours in the event there is a reduction of work and candidate is terminated or layoff. Employer will provide monthly updates to RA on the progress of worker compared to the OJT training plan. RA will assist employer if needed with reporting and tracking of OJT for apprentice.

  • Access a carefully screened pool of available talent at no cost
  • RA is involved in candidate interactions from classroom training thru the time of the sourcing
  • The employer sets the qualifications, interviews, and selects the individual
  • Customized training the employer’s way, at their workplace
  • We help project owners meet their abatement commitments by hiring locals



Our Students in Action


Valero has been impressed with the GTEC and DWA training program in both basic life skills as well as job skills development. They have a proven track record of supplying motivated individuals who are appropriately trained and ready to enter the workforce and have shown that after being hired, they have a better retention rate on the job than other similarly situated employees. 

J. Greg Gentry, Vice President and General Manager, Valero

Since February 2010, DWA has really aided our company in staffing essential helper positions. They have done an excellent job ensuring that we receive the quality employees we need and expect. They have insured each individual has and understands the soft skills required to work in our industry. We look forward to continued success.

Chet Ferachi, HR Manager, Performance Contractors, INC

Our experience with these graduates proves that they are unquestionably better prepared to enter the workforce than similarly situated job applicants who enter our hiring office doors and they in fact have a better retention rate on the job. We look forward to working with you for years to come.

Bob Deatherage, Vice President, Beacon Construction

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